Useful Services
Marie Curie
(Care and support through terminal illness)
0800 090 2309
British Liver Trust
0142 5481320
WCC Health Appointments & Transport Options
0192 6412300
Sue Ryder
(palliative, neurological & bereavement support)
0808 164 4572
Stroke Association
0303 3033 100
(Support for children/young adults 0-25 years with special educational need and disabilities)
0845 090 8044 or 0192 6742274
AAA screening
(Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening for men 65+)
Age UK
0800 678 1174
Diabetes UK
0345 123 2399
Asthma + Lung UK
0300 003 0555
Mary Ann Evans Hospice
0247 686 440
British Heart Foundation
0300 330 3311
Atherstone Vision Support Centre
(Meets 3rd Friday of every month)
0192 642 1331
Independent Age Helpline
0800 319 6789
Compassion in Dying Helpline
0800 999 2434
Blue Sky Centre
(Rape & sexual assault support)
02476 865505
Victim of Crime Support
01926 682693
(Domestic violence victim support)
0800 408 1552
Chickenpox Awareness
(Advice on relationships, family life and sex therapy)
Dementia Services
Living Well With Dementia
Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia Connect
0333 150 3456
Carers Help & Support
Warwickshire Young Carers
0247 621 7740
Warwickshire County Council Carers Support
Carers UK
0808 808 7777
Safeguarding / Self-help Signposting
Gambling Harms
0300 123 0994
Download Safeguarding Self-Help Signposting information (PDF, 1.29MB)
Additional Information
NHS access portal for information on healthy living, illness and all NHS services
Patient UK
Hundreds of information leaflets & sources for research into many conditions & treatments
BBC Health Pages
Advice & articles on wide ranging health matters
BDA Food Facts
Food advice & factsheets from the British Dietetic Association
Worldwide Travel Advice
Health Advice for travellers from the NHS
Healthwatch (Find your local Healthwatch)
Your health and social care champions want to hear about the issues that really matter to local communities and to hear about your experiences of using health and social care services. Their aim is to improve standards of care using your feedback
Download further useful services information here (PDF, 1.29MB)