The Cancer Care Support Review (CCSR) is carried out by the GP practice within three months of a diagnosis of cancer. Continued annually, it helps the person affected by cancer to understand what information and support is available to them, and enables supported self-management.
The Surgery will contact patients to arrange a review but if you wish to speak with one of our clinicians before this time please contact our reception staff on 01827 713664 to book a routine appointment where you will be assessed, we will offer you advice, any queries you have will be answered and a correct management plan will be ensured.
One in three people will be affected by cancer at some stage in their life. There are many different types of cancer, and this page doesn’t cover them all, but the general information below will help you to access further information and support.
Macmillan Cancer Support Video Site – The cancer line and how it can help. There are videos available Macmillan and the support they offer on the Macmillan Video Site.
Useful Links
- Cancer Overview – An excellent resource with useful video, audio, images and references relating to differing forms of Cancer, the causes & treatments.
- Cancer Research UK (0808 800 4040) – Free information service provided by Cancer Research UK about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families. Information is formatted in such a way that makes understanding the website an easy process. Link to our cancer research UK page.
- Macmillan Cancer Support – Europe’s leading cancer information charity, with over 4,500 pages of up-to-date cancer information, practical advice and support for cancer patients, their families and carers.
- Macmillan Benefits Advice Service (0247 625 2050)
- NHS – Further information about symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention of Cancer.
- Breast Cancer Now (0808 800 6000)
These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters, please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.