To speak with one of our clinicians regarding counselling or general mental health matters please call our reception on 01827 713664 to arrange a routine appointment where you will be assessed, we will offer you advice, any queries you have will be answered and a correct management plan will be ensured. This may involve being referred to a counselling service.
Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. Talking therapies can be very helpful if you are experiencing stress, low mood, depression or anxiety. Around one in five people suffer from anxiety or depression every year. For more information on this and services available please take a look at the links below.
You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP, or a GP can refer you. NHS talking therapies services previously known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services.
They deal with a multitude of issues including:
- Depression
- Generalized anxiety
- Social anxiety
- Panic and agoraphobia
- Other phobias
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Body dysmorphic disorder
To refer yourself to this service please contact NHS Talking Therapies on 024 7667 1090
For urgent support please contact one of the following services.
- Mental Health Matters (24/7) on 0800 616 171 – a free confidential helpline providing emotional support to residents of Coventry & Warwickshire
- Samaritans (24/7) 116 123, for free, or by visiting their website
- The Rise Crisis & Home Treatment team 8am-8pm 7 days a week (Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust) provides multi-disciplinary support to children and young people (under 18s) who present in mental health crisis on 08081 966798 (select Option 2)