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Little Moments Relaunch
Posted or Updated on 6 Mar 2025

The Department for Education (DfE), in partnership with the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) have recently re-launched its Start for Life ‘Little Moments Together’ campaign. The campaign aims to educate parents about the importance of brain development in the first five years of a child’s life, and the crucial role they play, with advice and tips from Start for Life.
Many disadvantaged children in the UK start school developmentally months behind their peers, particularly in speech and language ability. This gap often widens over time, with children who have poor vocabulary skills at age five being less likely to succeed academically. They are also up to twice as likely to be unemployed in their thirties.
By focusing on behaviours that can easily be integrated into your busy daily routines, they aim to illustrate a ‘way of being’ to parents, showing them that sharing simple, child-led ‘serve and return’ moments together throughout the day has a big impact. They hope to do this by directing parents to the Start for Life website, where you will find simple ideas from other parents on how to build these little moments into each day, including lots of examples of tips and activities to do with children at different ages. It also signposts parents to the relevant in-person support available in their local communities. Early learning and development – Start for Life – NHS – NHS
Please watch the video below for a film that explains how children’s brains develop during the early years, and the crucial role parents play through all the little moments they spend together with their child.
To view other modules in the better health start for life campaign please follow the links below.
To visit the Better Start For Life website follow the link below.
Start For Life Website